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HOT: Vpool – Vconomics staking & savings is officially launched!

On January 26, 2022, Vconomics officially launched Vpool – Vconomics staking & savings, an amazing function that allows users to deposit/stake MICS and receive high-interest rates of up to 20%. This will be a promising investment method in the Vconomics ecosystem – the digital economy.

I. Vpool – The staking & earn opportunity

Vpool is also known as Vconomics staking & savings, where users can increase economic value by staking MICS with flexible terms, or converting cryptocurrencies such as BTC/ETH/USDT/BUSD/BNB … for MICS at a fixed rate.

Since the launch of Vconomics, users have been particularly interested in Vpool – the savings fund of Vconomics. Vpool not only enriches the Economics ecosystem but also brings extremely attractive investment opportunities to global users.

This interesting feature has been launched before MICS was listed on PancakeSwap in February 2022. This is supposed to be the right time for users to stake MICS in order to get amazing interest rates, solve inflation problems, as well as increase the value of MICS by creating scarcity.

1. Flexible savings

With flexible savings, users can enjoy interest rates on a daily basis but not on a fixed term. Vpool’s flexible interest rate is 2.0 % APY (*). Interest is calculated starting at 7 a.m the next day.

(*): APY – Annual Percentage Yield: actual annual profit rate.

2. Locked savings

With locked savings, users can withdraw both principal and interest after a certain time of staking, according to an agreement with Vpool. The deposit term is very diverse, ranging from 03 to 12 months. For each term, there is a different interest rate. The longer the term, the higher the deposit interest rate.

Term Interest rate
03 months 12%
06 months 15%
09 months 18%
12 months 20%

II. The trend of accumulating and profiting from cryptocurrencies

Staking is the new trend of investing in this era which is not too complicated and brings many benefits to participants. In Vconomics ecosystem, Vpool will optimize the benefits through the following characteristics:

  • No third parties involved: All deposits, exchanges, or savings orders in Vpool are done transparently without third parties. This also demonstrates the core nature of blockchain technology
  • High interest rate: Staking for 1-year term brings interest up to 20%, while staking without term will bring preferential APY 2.0%
  • Privacy and security: All MICS staking or redemption activities are performed transparently by the safe and absolutely secured blockchain system.

Vpool will create the economic driving forces for Vconomics in general and for MICS in particular. With its assurance, transparency, and long-lasting value, Vpool will benefit all Vconomics users when using this function.

III. Vpool promises to bring a lot of economic values

The usage of MICS in investing and trading will bring about an interesting twist in the financial revolution, or in other words, the latest digital cash flow innovation nowadays. Therefore, the value of MICS will be enhanced when users know how to invest and save appropriately.

With the operating mechanism to promote virtual cash flow, Vpool will vibrate Vconomics ecosystem, improve liquidity and increase the value of MICS.

To conclude

In the upcoming time, Vpool will prove its importance in the Vconomics digital economy. With the integration between an attractive interest rate staking and a cryptocurrency converting tool, Vpool promises to bring a lot of value to Vconomics users. Thanks to Vpool, Vocnomics users will have the chance to fully enjoy the financial and technology utilities.

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