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Reward annoucement: Winner list of “MERRY CHRISTMAS – MERRY 1,000 MICS” Event Series

Knock knock! December here with cold Christmas winds spread into every corner.

December – a month with many special events, is the time for people to send good wishes to each other, to unite warmly with family, to share and love…

Welcome December, Vconomics with the event “MERRY CHRISTMAS – MERRY 1,000 MICS” has attracted nearly 500 players. However, Vconomics regrets to announce that no player has yet won our 1,000 MICS reward. One of the reasons why we have not found a winner is in the following cases:

  • Players do not participate in all events set by Vconomics
  • Players who do not fill in or enter wrong information create THIS FORM
  • Players do not follow the RIGHT AND ENOUGH instructions here.

Thank you for creating an extremely warm and fun Christmas season with Vconomics! Let’s look forward to the next events from Vconomics!

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