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How to buy MICS on PancakeSwap

MICS is the token issued by Vconomics – Decentralized Digital Economy with wide application in the Vconomics ecosystem as well as great potential for development. MICS has been listed on the PancakeSwap since February 2022 and has achieved certain milestones. In this article, let’s learn how to buy MICS on PancakeSwap.

1. What is PancakeSwap?

PancakeSwap is one of BNB Chain’s first Automated Market Maker  decentralized exchanges (AMM DEXs) which allows users to exchange BEP20 tokens. There will be no order books, bid/ask system, instead, users trading on PancakeSwap automatically draw liquidity from one liquidity pool, which then be rebalanced after the trade (swap) is complete. It means that the traders will subtract liquidity from one side of the pool (for example: MICS) and add liquidity to the other (for example: BUSD). Thereby, they change the weights of the assets in the pool as well á the relative values. 

2. How to buy MICS on PancakeSwap

2.1. MICS token information 

– Token name: Vconomics Token (MICS)

– Trading pair: MICS/BUSD

– Smart Contract: 0xd1aa23b0303fa7c0c60c8f1e3823240d6f530c81

– Token Standard: BEP20

– Token Decimals: 18

– CoinMarketCap:

2.2. How to connect your wallet to PancakeSwap (on mobile)

How to make a wallet connection with PancakeSwap

To connect your wallet (Trust or Metamask) to PancakeSwap, please follow below steps:

  • Step 1: Go to TrustWallet or Metamask 
  • Step 2: Go to “Browser”, access the link
  • Step 3: The screen displays a connection request. Click “Connect” to confirm.

Click “Connect” to connect the wallet to the PancakeSwap

You then successfully connect your wallet with PancakeSwap and are able to buyMICS as you wish.

2.3. How to buy MICS on PancakeSwap

  • Step 1: Select “Trade Now” 
  • Step 2: Select BUSD and MICS relatively.

Note: You can search for MICS  from the search bar and select “Import”. Otherwise, please tap on “Manage Tokens” and fill in MICS Smart Contract (0xd1aa23b0303fa7c0c60c8f1e3823240d6f530c81) then select “Import”.

02 ways to add MICS tokens on PancakeSwap

  • Step 3: Enter the amount of BUSD you want to swap to MICS
  • Step 4: Check and select “Swap”

Note: Transactions on Dexs requires gas fees in BNB. Please make sure you have enough BNB in your wallet to trade.

  • Step 5: Click “Confirm Swap”. You can then tap on“View on BscScan” to check your transaction details.

After confirming the transaction, you can choose “View on Bscscan” to check the information

After a few simple steps, you are able to buy  MICS on PancakeSwap as you wish to! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Vconomics support team at [email protected]!

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